If you’re looking to enter this field, you’ll be pleased to know that there are many avenues to explore. You can search for positions on official government job sites like USAJOBS or browse through city, state, and federal job listings on dedicated platforms. These careers often require a mix of education and experience, with some roles demanding specialized knowledge in areas like business, public administration, or communications.
Exploring Career Clusters in Government and Public Administration
National Security and Foreign Service
Military occupations in this cluster vary widely. As an Infantry Officer, you might lead combat operations or oversee training exercises. Foreign Service careers focus on international relations and diplomacy.
National security and intelligence careers offer you the chance to protect the nation’s interests at home and abroad. These positions are found in agencies like the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency.
Public Management and Administration
Revenue, Taxation, and Budgeting
Careers in this area focus on financial management of government resources. As a Revenue Agent or Tax Examiner, you’d ensure proper tax collection and compliance.
Find Online Public Administration Schools
Specialized Roles and Career Paths
Law Enforcement and Compliance
Planning and Development
- Designing sustainable urban spaces
- Coordinating with local government officials
- Engaging community members in planning processes
Health and Safety Oversight
- Conducting safety inspections
- Developing safety protocols
- Training employees on safety procedures
Government Roles
Nonprofit Sector
Did You Know?
The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates higher growth rates than average in these fields by the year 2033.
High school graduates earn on average
$899 per week
Bachlelor’s graduates earn on average
$1,493 per week
Education and Advancement
Qualifications and Degrees
A bachelor’s degree is typically the minimum requirement for entry-level positions in government and public administration. Majors in public administration, political science, or business administration are particularly relevant.
For more specialized government roles, you might consider pursuing a master’s degree in public administration (MPA) or public policy. These advanced degrees can provide you with a deeper understanding of governance and policy implementation.